
What your donors want from you

We know what we want from donors. It’s funding to power our organization and change the world. There’s no such thing as a free lunch. If you want the funding, you need to give something in return. But what?

  1. To be known. Probably every human on this planet has a secret worry that hardly anyone knows who they are or really cares about them. It haunts us all. And it’s often fed by the way we get treated by corporations and (sadly) the nonprofits we support. When we send irrelevant fundraising that’s all me-me-me and no “you can do” — we support that dreadful hypothesis that they aren’t known. It’s even worse when we fail to thank them for giving. Or thank them in a perfunctory, sloppy way. Let your donor know she matters to you and is known by you!
  2. To be treated as a partner. Are you donors just a source of cash? Or are they valued partners in your shared mission to make the world a better place? Show them which one they are with donor-focused fundraising that’s abut what they can do — not how awesome you are!
  3. To be told the truth. Never stretch the truth, even a tiny little bit. Be open, clear, and honest all the time. You owe that to your donors.
  4. To know their gift made a difference. Your donors are afraid their donation is not important, doesn’t accomplish anything, and isn’t appreciated. Show them otherwise. Thank them promptly, with real emotion. And keep reporting back to them the amazing things they’ve helped make happen.Those are things your donors hope to get from their giving. Far too often, they aren’t getting those things. If you are one of the few who are meeting their needs, they will keep responding to you.

Those are things your donors hope to get from their giving. Far too often, they aren’t getting those things. If you are one of the few who are meeting their needs, they will keep responding to you.

That’s the secret.

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We assist nonprofits and community organizations with their marketing, advertising, interactive, and public relations needs. The types of projects we work on can range from developing a new brand identity to programming a website or promoting a fundraising event. Our services are based on the identified needs of our clients.

Our focus is on working on a specific assignment, with the expectation that once the project is completed it can be sustained with the nonprofit’s existing resources. Our goal is to teach nonprofits “how to fish, rather than feed them fish for a day”, Hence we also provide various free resources that help non profits make an impact.

For any inquiries or proposal requests you can contact us on +263 719 464 406 or send an email to info@cautiverionomore.org . We have an amazing consulting team that will be happy to work with you!

Step 1: We arrange a call or a physical meeting to scope out your requirements and understand if we can help.


Step 2: We deliver a proposal, examples of past work, a project plan and deliverables, including costs.


Step 3: You decide if you want to go ahead.


Step 4: We draw up the contracts which are signed by both parties.


Step 5: Project kick-off meeting